Søndag la jeg ut på en strabasiøs fjelltur, som endte litt før det som var planen. Målet var Lodalskåpa, 2083 moh. Men vær og vind gjorde det vanskelig for oss å komme helt til målet. Vi snudde ca 1,5 time før toppen.
Hadde pulsklokken på hele turen, her er litt fakta fra den:
- Tidsbruk: 7 timer 25 min.
- Gjennomsnittpuls: 125 bpm
- Energiforbruk: 3003 kcal.
Så over til turmaten og litt bilder..
Nydelige vafler med philadelphiaost, skinke og hvit Norvegia. Laget og pakket kvelden før.
Godt å fylle på med litt energi i pausene. Salte nøtter (denne nøtteblandingen er veldig god!!! Macadamia, cashew, mandler og peanøtter!) Sjokolade og rosiner.
Turmat: Vafler, energiblanding og en kopp med hjemmelaget tomatsuppe og kjøttdeig.
Så flinke dere er og veldig fin turmat 🙂
Ser ut att varit en fin tur!
Your article was excellent and erudite.
In awe of that answer! Really cool!
Holy concise data batman. Lol!
It’s a pleasure to find such rationality in an answer. Welcome to the debate.
Wow, that’s a really clever way of thinking about it!
Wow, that’s a really clever way of thinking about it!
Now I’m like, well duh! Truly thankful for your help.
Insights like this liven things up around here.
Of the panoply of website I’ve pored over this has the most veracity.
I’m impressed! You’ve managed the almost impossible.
Furrealz? That’s marvelously good to know.
That insight solves the problem. Thanks!
Hey, subtle must be your middle name. Great post!
I love reading these articles because they’re short but informative.
You’ve really captured all the essentials in this subject area, haven’t you?
Your articles are for when it absolutely, positively, needs to be understood overnight.
Smack-dab what I was looking for-ty!
Wow, your post makes mine look feeble. More power to you!
You’re the one with the brains here. I’m watching for your posts.
Gee whiz, and I thought this would be hard to find out.
Apparently this is what the esteemed Willis was talkin’ ’bout.
Big help, big help. And superlative news of course.
Unparalleled accuracy, unequivocal clarity, and undeniable importance!
I see, I suppose that would have to be the case.
I see, I suppose that would have to be the case.
You are so awesome for helping me solve this mystery.
That’s a smart answer to a tricky question
This is a neat summary. Thanks for sharing!
Appreciation for this information is over 9000-thank you!
It’s much easier to understand when you put it that way!
That’s a brilliant answer to an interesting question
Created the greatest articles, you have.
That’s the best answer of all time! JMHO
Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my questions…until now.
This shows real expertise. Thanks for the answer.
This is the perfect post for me to find at this time
That’s way the bestest answer so far!
If I were a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, now I’d say «Kowabunga, dude!»
There’s nothing like the relief of finding what you’re looking for.
Cheers pal. I do appreciate the writing.
Hey, that’s the greatest! So with ll this brain power AWHFY?
Wait, I cannot fathom it being so straightforward.
Could you write about Physics so I can pass Science class?
Well put, sir, well put. I’ll certainly make note of that.
If not for your writing this topic could be very convoluted and oblique.
Thinking like that is really impressive
That’s an inventive answer to an interesting question
I’m impressed. You’ve really raised the bar with that.
uflaks med været, men helt sikkert en fin tur uansett
Namnam. Så kjempegodt ut 😉
Looking forward to reading more. Great blog post. Much obliged.
Grazi for making it nice and EZ.
That’s an astute answer to a tricky question
Great article, thank you again for writing.
I’m not easily impressed. . . but that’s impressing me! 🙂
I really like and appreciate your blog.Really looking forward to read more. Fantastic.